The Government of Japan will assist Vanuatu Red Cross Society (VRCS) for the procurement of two brand new 4WD Vehicles under Japan’s Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) Programme. H.E. Ms. KATSUMATA Harumi, Ambassador of Japan to the Republic of Vanuatu, and Ms. Jacqueline de GAILLANDE, VRCS Secretary General, will sign the contract to formalize the assistance at a signing Ceremony that will be held at the Vanuatu Red Cross Head Quarters at 2.00 pm on Thursday, 3rd September 2020. For further queries please contact Mr. Peni Saurara on email address: or and telephone number: (+679) 3304633.
1) Recipient: Vanuatu Red Cross Society (VRCS)
2) Grant Contract Signatory: Ms Jacqueline de GAILLANDE, Secretary General.
3) Details: The Government of Japan will provide funding of up to US$54,701 (VUV 6,093,725), to Vanuatu Red Cross Society for the provision of two brand new 4WD Vehicles.
Santo and Pentecost were among the few islands badly hit by the category 5 TC Harold that passed through the country early April 2020. Being one of the first responders in assistance and damage assessment reporting to the Vanuatu Government, the VRCS played a critical role by closely working with the local communities in recruiting volunteers and operationalizing relief assistance from international donors. It was, however, challenging to reach most remote households in need of aid and essential services due to the poor road conditions and limited availability of road transport. Currently, the VRCS does not own vehicles in the Santo and Pentecost branches; therefore, having volunteers and relief distribution teams heavily dependent on public transport for such emergencies.
The two brand new 4WD vehicles, funded under Japan's Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP), will address the transport challenges faced by the VRCS in the islands of Santo and Pentecost to enable the provision of the much-needed relief items during emergencies in a timely and cost-effective manner. Besides, it will ensure there is an ease of access to emergency assistance by the households living in remote areas of these islands.
GGP Programme is part of the overall Japanese Development Cooperation implemented by the Embassy of Japan to empower the people from the grassroots level. The GGP Programme in Vanuatu has been widely implemented in areas such as education, water supply, and health since 1996. To date, more than 128 projects have been executed under the GGP Programme, which amounts to an approximate value of US$10.2 million.